Tweets Of The Week

Writers, stars and everyone else share their two cents on the Twelfth Doctor, Nathan Fillion’s condition for eating a cat turd and Simon Pegg plays Potter in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab)

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock that’s fallen out of space and time, you’ll be well aware that the universe has a new Doctor. Naturally, such a momentous event could not go unmentioned on Twitter, with 140 character quips flying in faster than a runaway TARDIS during Sunday’s reveal. Twitter played a crucial part in the proceedings as the Beeb displayed viewer tweets on a rolling ticker bar at the bottom of the screen, and broadcast the 35 minute special simultaneously across the globe, maximising viewer interaction. There were over 542,000 tweets during the live announcement, jumping to 22,081 a minute as Peter Capaldi was revealed as the next Doctor.

Our award (that we just made up) for Tweets of the Night go to Ben Daniels, the Law & Order: UK star who was heavily rumoured to be the next Time Lord in the weeks leading up to the reveal.

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@bendanielsss there’s been a terrible mistake…..

Help…help….I’m locked in dressing room 4…..I felt a sharp blow to the back of the head and heard a Scottish cackle…..

Peter Capaldi will ROCK!! Fab fab choice!

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He wasn’t the only one to express such an opinion though. Here’s a comparatively small selection of Tweets from across the night:

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@KarenGillan2 CAPALDI! Superb choice. Swear I’ve seen him inPompeii…

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@Markgatiss Thrilling, moving, beyond exciting. Cometh the hour, cometh the man! Peter Capaldi is the PERFECT choice. Welcome, Doctor!

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@MattStrevens1 He visited the set of Adventure as a fan. Little did we (or he) know. He was such a lovely man and true Who enthusiast. Huge congrats Peter.

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@WithJohnHurt Congratulations to Peter Capaldi and to the BBC. Another splendid Doctor!

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@jamesmoran So, weirdly, I’ve now written for a Doctor *and* a Companion, in the same Doctor Who episode, before they were cast in their main roles.

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@Aiannucci There can’t be a funnier, wiser, more exciting Time Lord than Peter Capaldi. The universe is in great hands. #DoctorWho

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@warrenellis [12.01am Monday] [switches on Twitter] well apparently I built an entire fucking time machine for NOTHING [burns a fez in protest]

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@philfordesq So I’m sensing Peter Capaldi is a popular choice. Personally, I couldn’t be happier.

Felicia Day

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@feliciaday Who’s now watching everything on Netflix with Peter Capaldi?!!

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@Glinner Well done to Peter Capaldi. He will make scary things scarier and funny things funnier.

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@ManMadeMoon Script binder a present from Tony Scott. Lovely man who made me believe I could direct for a living.

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@arrroberts Do we get Chris Addison as the Doctor’s companion too?

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@mishacollins I admire peter capldi’s gall trying to pass as a doctor! (I happen to know for a fact that he didn’t attend medical school.)

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@mrmarkmillar Congrats to Peter Capaldi on Dr Who. Like UK Prime Ministers, I like the fact that 2 of the last 3 Doctors have been Scottish.

Wil Wheaton

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@wilw Woah.

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@ollymoss Oh man. I can’t wait for all the kids to google Peter Capaldi and get a best of Malcolm Tucker montage.

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Tweets of the Week (100% Capaldi-free) continues on page 2!

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@pattonoswalt Y’know what? Last year’s DREDD was an excellent movie. I want a sequel. You should, too. Go here, please: (opens in new tab)

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@edgarwright This is a real e-mail I was sent earlier. Tweeted with his permission.

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@MuseZack The post-credits scene from The Wolverine was a nice reminder that Fox actually has as much of the great Marvel mythology as Marvel does.

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@SylviaBrindis Proof that @JamesGunn didn’t want to give @zoesaldana her pillow back. Who can spot @KarenGillan2 #GOTG #SDCC

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@mishacollins I have always felt safer under @jarpad ‘s wing.

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@DamonLindelof I personally can’t wait to see “Batman vs. The Incredibly-Powered Kryptonian Dude Who Seems To Quietly Resent The Name Superman.”

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@caricevhouten #FF The Lord of Light

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@ManMadeMoon Can you even imagine a world where we took our politicians seriously? Even Neill Blomkamp couldn’t make that fiction fly…

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@RattyBurvil I can’t wait to see ‘Ass 2’ the first Ass was cracking.

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Tweets of the Week continues on page 3!

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@simonpegg Doctor WHAT??!!

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@mrdrewpearce @thisisTomRiley @mattfraction Oh, I see. It’s like that. Old Matt bloody Fraction’s your new favorite now. You’re dead to me, Riley.

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@thisisTomRiley @mrdrewpearce @mattfraction All I know is that Matt would have treated the Mandarin with RESPECT.

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@philfordesq Remember I told you someone had hung Ianto’s suit at his memorial inCardiffBay? Someone has stolen his trousers! Is nothing sacred???

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@edgarwright Three of my most anticipated movies of the year are sci-fi: ‘Elysium’, ‘Snowpiercer’ and ‘Gravity’. Maybe that last one is science fact…

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@russelltovey They named him #George ! What a superb choice for the little king George is also my middle name and the name of a certain werewolf.. Bam! x

Hungry for more? Read previous Tweets Of The Week here… (opens in new tab)

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If you’re looking for games like Overwatch, stop searching, you’ve found the list. We’ve got …

Tweets Of The Week

A Field In England Proves A Twitter Hit, The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond reunite and Russell Crowe on a Krypton prequel in the latest Tweets Of The Week

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The release of A Field In England , the latest from Kill List/Sightseers director Ben Wheatley, last Friday wasn’t exciting simply because Wheatley is one of British cinemas great hopes for the future. In a first, the film debuted on TV, DVD, online and in cinemas on the same day. As you might expect, it was a Twitter hit with ” A Field In England ” trending twice during the day and throughout its broadcast on Film4 at 10:45pm. Despite being a, let’s just say “less-than-accessible”, experience the film ranked 9th in Channel 4’s most-mentioned broadcasts and number 6 on Friday, while the TV broadcast proved the most popular platform. As it was a premiere, Film4 didn’t tweet throughout the entire broadcast, meaning the Twitter-traffic was entirely user-driven. A successful experiment then, and something we’re likely to see more and more of in the future. To find out exactly how the film performed on each platform head to the Film4 blog (opens in new tab) .

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@ReeceShearsmith Thanks for all lovely comments about “A Field inEngland”. The coward is here.

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@mr_wheatley At the ritzy. Excited

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@laurajprincess Such a fun night last night … Yummy dinner … Family time and a surprise visit from these two @KarenGillan2 xx

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@leeunkrich I guess things worked out for Lotso after all. (opens in new tab)

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@EddieMcClintock Saying goodbye and thank you to the umbilicus. #WAREHOUSE13 (opens in new tab)

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@russellcrowe A lot of you are asking about a KRYPTON prequel, if that’s something you feel strongly about let @Legendary pictures know your thoughts

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@josswhedon Universal doing a Cabin in the Woods for Halloween! And next year the wedding amphitheater from Much Ado! #slutshaming #trulycreepy

Not supposed to drop Avengers spoilers, but Iron Man DOES get a pet… #statueshtick #stillcoolerthanKrypto

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@kanyewest I saw a pre-screening of Pacific Rim yesterday and it’s easily one of my favorite movies of all time.

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@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN Pacific Rim is the ultimate otaku film that all of us had always been waiting for. Who are you, if you are Japanese and won’t watch this?

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@rainnwilson Pacific Rim Job #BlockbusterPorn

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@theaarondouglas Dicks…….

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@NathanFillion Something is wrong with this picture. Can you see it? (opens in new tab)

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@JRichardKelly Thanks to everyone for their supportive SOUTHLAND TALES tweets on this holiday. I will bloviate some amusing trivia about the film.

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@radiomaru Southland Tales is maybe the ultimate distillation of the 2000s as a decade

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@AllCharisma #XanderandCordelia #Paris2013

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@mishacollins Congratulations to @Team_Barrowman for making the team legally larger by one.

Wil Wheaton

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@wilw I just deleted the Google Reader bookmark from my browser. I felt like it needed Scotty playing bagpipes to properly say goodbye.

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@simonpegg Little souvenir of a big adventure. (opens in new tab)

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@Glinner Ok, just finished Last of Us. Best game I’ve ever played. A work of art.

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@charltonbrooker Okay, just finished The Last of Us. Exceptional.

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Hungry for more? Read previous Tweets Of The Week here… (opens in new tab)

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10 games like Overwatch to keep you busy until Overwatch 2

If you’re looking for games like Overwatch, stop searching, you’ve found the list. We’ve got …

Tweets Of The Week

Joss joins Twitter, Being Human memories, the Supernatural Harlem Shake and… did we mention JOSS WHEDON JOINED TWITTER, all in the latest Tweets of the Week (opens in new tab)

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We’re not going to beat round the bush, the BIGGEST THING IN THE HISTORY OF TWITTER happened this week. Nope, someone didn’t make a Harlem Shake video with kittens – God of the Geeks, Joss Whedon, has started Tweeting. Admittedly it’s only likely to be temporary because he’s tweeting as part of the promotional tour for his new film, Shakespeare adaptation Much Ado About Nothing , and he’s something of a busy chap, but it’s very easy to catch the Twitter bug so don’t rule out Joss as a permanent fixture on Twitter just yet.

Either way, you should make sure you’re following @MuchAdoFilm forthwith, which is where you can find Joss’ words of wisdom/nonsense during the Much Ado SXSW film festival bus tour. A bunch of the cast are tweeting along too, including Dollhouse ’s @frankranz and Angel ’s @AmyAcker .

Some questions as to the veracity of my tweety identity. PROOF, Doubting Thomi! (Pllural of thomas. Work with me.)

Joss here. NO WAY this trip turns into a French farce. @JillianMorgese@TheVulcanSalute@BJMcElhaney@SpencerTClark

Joss: my job is so rough.

Joss: two minutes later, blood everywhere. Bar fights and pagan sacrifices mix surprisingly well.

The moment we’ve been waiting for!! #JossWhedon @AmyAcker #AlexisDenisof #MuchAdoSXSW

As much as we’ve been enjoying Joss’ tweets, however, these are undoubtedly the highlights of the Much Ado tour so far:

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@NickKocher Fran gets an idea. #muchadosxsw @muchadofilm (opens in new tab)

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@KateBracken ok, well heres a #BeingHuman memory – i once walked into my trailer toilet to find this beaut had beaten me to it…

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@damienmolony My favourite photo #BeingHuman xxx

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@lalscotton I love this one of @KateBracken shortly after having her throat ripped out #beinghuman

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@marcuswhitney1 The good old days #beinghuman @russelltovey @SineadKeenan

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@m_giacchino Here’s a glimpse of what we are mixing right now… (opens in new tab)

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@ZacharyQuinto suited up. diving in for thirteen more. lucky. (opens in new tab)

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@ManMadeMoon Not going to say anything of substance here, other than to say Im absolutely bloody loving working on Warcraft. So far a bloomin dream job!

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@simonpegg It’s 21.37, I’m at work, in a tent, in a studio, Rosamund Pike is asleep on the floor next to me. It’s basically a regular Friday night.

(I love the Walking Dead, I’m just funstering, like the jolly japester that I am)

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@Y_Strahovski Can’t believe I’m doing this, but yup. I’m doing this. I blame my parents. We are watching the episode. @ZacharyLevi

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@ZacharyLevi I need this new Star Trek movie like I need another hole in my head. A hole that produces cash money and grants me the power of flight.

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Tweets Of The Week continues on page 2…

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@jarpad Sorry for the delay. For the crew and the fans. Here ya go 🙂 (opens in new tab)

Ok y’all, WHEN (not if), you YouTube “Supernatural Shake”, try and figure out who’s in the body bag 🙂

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@jumblejim I slipped a Supernatural reference into next week’s Justified. See if you can catch it (if it makes the cut)!

Regarding rumors Bobby will return in season 9: NO ONE has talked to me about returning in season 9. Don’t believe everything you hear.

Felicia Day

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@feliciaday View from my Supernatural cast chair. It’s coooold! #delicateflower (opens in new tab)

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@MarcW Pretty sure they change the names on Game of Thrones every week just to mess with us.

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@grumpygamer I’m just now realizing I missed the last 2 episodes of Game of Thrones. No wonder I thought the end of season 2 was kind of lame.

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@TimOfLegend Hey! The little kid from the Narrows in Batman Begins is Joffrey Baratheon in disguise. Don’t save him, Katie Holmes! He grows up all bad!

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@joe_hill I was a huge WILD CARDS fan in high school. It fucks with my thought-toboggan to know that was George R.R. Martin’s big thing *then*.

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@Dichenlachman Saturday auditions. Fox lot. (opens in new tab)

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@pattonoswalt Nolan leaked the JUSTICE LEAGUE cast to me! Batman (Kilmer), Kazaam (Shaq), Patty Smythe from “The Warrior” video %26 Chester Cheetah.

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@thatdickmiller Dick and friend

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@robinince weirdly I found at that Mrs Brown’s Boys is actually a very long episode of Black Mirror but to make the twist work they’ve kept it quiet.

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@AnneWheaton This is starting to feel like an episode of Twilight Zone.

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@SteveMartinToGo Where are they now? Why, right here.

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Hungry for more great tweets? You can read previous Tweets Of The Week right here. (opens in new tab)

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If you’re looking for games like Overwatch, stop searching, you’ve found the list. We’ve got …

Tweets of the Week

Abstract pics from the set of S.H.I.E.L.D , reactions to JJ’s Star Wars and Nathan Fillion goes meta, all in the latest (opens in new tab) Tweets Of The Week

News doesn’t get bigger than the announcement that JJ Abrams has been hired to Star Wars cool again, and you can see a selection of our favourite reactions below. But here at Tweets of the Week we don’t just follow trends, we set them, which is why we’re getting in early on S.H.I.E.L.D fever and recommending you follow Dollhouse / Dr Horrible writer, sister-in-law of Joss Whedon and S.H.I.E.L.D co-writer/executive producer Maurissa Tancharoen, who has been tweeting a series of abstract images to celebrate the start of filming on the pilot:

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Joss in between takes. (opens in new tab)

Shhh… (opens in new tab)

This rain has really put a damper on our outdoor musical extravaganza set piece… #SHIELD

#SHIELD takes a village.

The official #SHIELD twitter is @ABC_SHIELD . Got it wrong earlier. What, I’ve been up since 5am taking random vague pics of the set for you.

So it begins. The “Come up with what this stands for” contest. #SHIELD

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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#JJABRAMS you are fearless. #STARWARS will only benefit . MAZEL TOV

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Congratulations JJ. No pressure. 🙂

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If JJ Abrams thinks I’ll see another STAR WARS movie, he can come down to my tent in front of Grauman’s %26 kiss my ass. #firstinline

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@BradleyJames Don’t know if it was obvious by the way I kept hitting him, but was and still am, beaming with pride for NTA ‘Best Actor’ Colin Morgan

Very excited to welcome #annapaquin , @ellenpage & @shawnrashmore to #XMen #DaysofFuturePast – thank you @BrettRatner for letting them live!

Wil Wheaton

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By the way: Star Trek Catan is the very best #Tabletop version of Catan I’ve ever played. It’s a lot more than Catan in cosplay.

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the CEO of Middle Earth Flying School in New Zealand is named Malcolm Reynolds. (via @wwtemby ) Mixing genres. Like.

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I miss DeForest Kelley a lot. A real friend and a gentle man. For his memory, LLAP

Tweets of the Week continues on page 2…

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The Box.

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The Box… opened.

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DARK SOULS RT @na_davies : @serafinowicz Got it on disc! its by my foot, whats the best game in the world then ?

Third best game ever!! RT @RyanCartwright : HD #WindWaker remake?! … (opens in new tab) @serafinowicz look! 🙂

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Uhhh…not all of them. #BadApples RT @SamWitwer Werewolves? Dicks. Just sayin. #BeingHuman

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Never before seen moment from #SUPER , an angle cut from the final film. (opens in new tab)

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Dear TV husband @TonyCurran69 this made me think of you. I miss you horribly x (opens in new tab)

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My God of the week is Thor. Hammer-wielding badass in charge of thunder, lightening, oak trees, and protector of mankind. Next week: Shiva

Read previous Tweets of the Week. (opens in new tab)

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If you’re looking for games like Overwatch, stop searching, you’ve found the list. We’ve got …

Tweets Of The Week

One of the great things about Twitter is that, short of sitting everyone in the country in the same room, it’s the closest we can get to a mass communal experience watching Doctor Who . It’s a show that needs to be discussed, shared and felt with others, no episode more so than “The Angels Take Manhattan”, the trigger for Twitter’s first mass blub on Saturday evening:

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@ RattyBurvil Best of luck cry babies.

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@ KarenGillan2 and it begins….i am not holding it together!!!!!!!

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@ themarcuswilson Another series done! Thank you to a fantastic cast and crew. A fitting farewell to Karen %26 Arthur – they’ll be missed! Here comes Christmas!

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@ jamesmoran Doctor Who just slayed me. So lovely, and sad, and I’m still not ready yet so may have to rewatch from s5 again. Slowly.

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@ OldRoberts953 Shattered by #DoctorWho . Pulling bits of self together.

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@ Paul_Cornell You two @RattyBurvil and @KarenGillan2 were absolutely wonderful, thank you for everything.

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@ neilhimself @KarenGillan2 @RattyBurvil I loved writing words for both of you.

The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ straczynski Richard Biggs. Andreas Katsulas. Jeff Conaway. Tim Choate. Michael O’Hare. Enough already. Go pick on somebody else’s cast.

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@ mrmarkmillar My first request on Day 1 at Fox: @TheRealStanLee cameos are no longer enough for us. We want Stan playing CYCLOPS %26 REED RICHARDS!!!

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@ ZacharyLevi Happy 5th Anniversary Chucksters. Feels like only yesterday I was still workin on my 5 year plan and had hair like Greg Brady.

Wil Wheaton

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@ wilw Thinking about what TNG means to me after 25 years really hits me right in the feels.

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@ TeamCoco Has anyone given @MittRomney a “Voight-Kampff” test? Just askin’.

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@ Josh_Friedman Tv pilots have as much 2 do w/ tv series as weddings do w/ marriages. However, u can pretty much tell if your friend’s marrying an asshole.

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@ SyfyUK @MollyEllaClarknow How much did it cost to produce #Continuum ? A: We spent just over $2 Million/episode

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@ EllenPage Little known fact: I played the cat in the matrix

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@ SethGreen Love you Robot-Stan!!! RT @TheRealStanLee (opens in new tab) is recovering from having a pacemaker put in. He’s a cyborg now!

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@ MarcW Ready for round 2.

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There’s lots of love for Looper and Captain Mal meets Number One as Tweets of the Week continues…

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@ rcjohnso I know I keep saying “thank you guys for the kind words” but I’m really touched by them all, so fuck it – thank you guys for the kind words!

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@ M_E_Winstead Completely overwhelmed and kinda emotional after LOOPER. If we get more movies like this, we are very, very lucky. @rcjohnso @hitRECordJoe

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@ JRichardKelly LOOPER is fantastic. Saw it last night and can’t wait to see it again. Great work by @rcjohnso and his DP Steve Yedlin.

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@ rainnwilson . @HitRecordJoe Good thing Looper was awesome cause otherwise I would have called it ‘Pooper’.

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@ radiomaru Someone made an intelligent, thrilling science fiction movie for adults, and that someone is @rcjohnso with LOOPER!!!

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@ ManMadeMoon For anyone out there who claims they love R rated sci-fi, but hasn’t seen Dredd or Looper, do it. This is the good stuff.

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@ SarcasticRover Soaking up cosmic radiation for almost 2 months and I don’t have a single damn super-power. STAN LEE IS A LIAR! EXCELSIOR!

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@ jamesmoran I believe that one day the music of Wyld Stallyns will bring about a new era of peace and prosperity.

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@ JoshuaEGomez My new #Borderlands2 avatar outfit looks a bit like season 2 Morgan, no?

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@ NathanFillion Whatevs.

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Read previous Tweets Of The Week. (opens in new tab)

“The Angels Take Manhattan” review. (opens in new tab)

Read our 5* Looper review. (opens in new tab)

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If you’re looking for games like Overwatch, stop searching, you’ve found the list. We’ve got …

Tweets Of The Week

It’s been a sad week in Twitsville. The outporing of emotion since the death of director Tony Scott ( The Hunger , Déjà vu ) on Sunday has been genuinely moving with seemingly all of Hollywood’s Twitterati coming out to pay their respects. We’re not going to dwell on it here, needless to say if you have a Twitter account you’ve probably read it all already. Instead we’re going to offer up one of our semi-regular (read: not very regular at all) SFX RECOMMENDS to brighten your day.

Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley is half-troll, half-mad genius, but he’s always funny. His feed is also something of a gold mine for Scott Pilgrim fans – as he regularly tweets insights into the creative process, unseen artwork and regular reminders that bread makes you fat. Like random, irreverent nonsense (course you do, why else would you be reading SFX?) then you’ll love @ radiomaru .

Bryan Lee O Malley

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@ radiomaru Just one bite. RT @GardnerSalad : How much bread does it take to make you fat? @radiomaru #radioqa

Cause of the tv show. The L Word. Its title confused me. RT @viserys4king : why lesbians? @radiomaru #radioqa

I wrote all the endings to the video game myself RT @ Teaje : @ radiomaru What do you think to the ending of the SP game?

Remember when Scott Pilgrim Vs the World came out 2 years ago and nobody saw it except my twitter followers and they saw it 11 times each

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ DamonLindelof Keep trying. RT @Donnation I just saw Prometheus again to see if maybe I misjudged it. It was worse the second time.

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@ ManMadeMoon About to have a meeting to see if there is a slightly more unusual way to get Mute made as a film. Wish me luck!

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@ leeunkrich Real life Linguini from Ratatouille! (opens in new tab)

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@ MattStrevens1 We prepare to shoot a romantic moment between Rudy and ……… Well that would be telling. # misfits

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@ steven_moffat Right then! Doctor Who press screening this evening. THIS time I will keep my feet out of my mouth. THIS TIME!! (Hmph! Toes!!)

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@ alisonbrie Yep! RT @yvettenbrown : Look closely. #AnniesBoobs squared. 😉 #Community (opens in new tab) T

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@ MintzPlasse Just posted a photo (opens in new tab)

Tweets Of The Week continues on page 2…

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@ SethGreen My character’s workstation in ‘Delete’ is very telling. #LastDayDiscoveries (opens in new tab)

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@ ElizabethBanks That’s funny. And not a terrible solution, either. RT @MiaStrino (opens in new tab)

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@ darren_bousman I just finished watching Detention. There are no words… Well, maybe there are a couple…

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@ dhewlett Drove over Golden Gate Bridge today. They’ve done a great job of repairing it after that intelligent ape uprising. #riseoftheapes

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@ SamuelLJackson Knocking out interviews in some new gear! (opens in new tab)

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@ MagdaEh Me %26 @amber_benson love giving Jane lovin!! (opens in new tab)

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@ ninadobrev Night shooting til 7am tomorrow- yikes! The perks of being a fulltime Vampire now…

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@ OldRoberts953 The cast of #Blakes7 – pissed. (opens in new tab)

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Read previous Tweets Of The Week here. (opens in new tab)

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Tweets Of The Week

We can’t help but empathise with Damon Lindelof. He’s an immensely talented writer responsible (in part) for the successes of Lost and JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot. But ever since Lost ’s finale laser-targeted the internet’s self-perpetuating ball of hate directly at him, Lindelof hasn’t had a particularly successful streak. Cowboys & Aliens went down like a horse poo pie and now Prometheus has been greeted with a decidedly mixed response, most criticisms falling upon the problems of the script.

We’ve got no sympathy for him, of course. It’s not like he needs it and he got to write an Alien movie for Ridley Scott, for frak’s sake, but we do empathise with him ever since he started using Twitter to bare his soul to the world. As anyone who’s written anything in their life knows, there’s nothing worse than being told something you put your heart and soul into is and illogical, plot-hole-ridden mess and Lindelof articulates that writer’s malaise with every, increasingly awkward, tweet. If anything they should help a few down-in-the-dumps writers realise even the big boys have bad days.

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@ DamonLindelof I do. All the time. RT @edhiggins @DamonLindelof Your movie was bad, and you should feel bad.

Drink. Cry. Repeat. RT @todd_13 Writer to writer, any advice on handling nonspecific-negative criticism?

Can’t wait for (2/2)! RT @DJRooRox Thanks for ruining not only years of tv but now one of the greatest movie franchises of all time .. (1/2)

You sir, are a racist. And a hugeist. RT @KushLogic fuck you for what you did to LOST & Prometheus. I hope you get raped by huge black men.

The internet is like that spiky whip thing the albino priest hits himself with in THE DA VINCI CODE. #TimeToStopHittingMyself #SeeYaFriday

. @sutterink Alas, the moment I stop taking fan feedback personally is the moment I stop doing this for a living.

Midnight strikes. Descending into the Writing Pit. For all who saw PROMETHEUS (even those who hated it), I am grateful you gave it a try.

If I’m gonna get to over 200K followers, I need to find another beloved franchise to ruin. # JustKidding # NoImNot # ThisIsHowIProcessPain

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ NathanFillion Ok, London. I left you a treat. Tweet a pic when you find it. (opens in new tab)

@jg : @NathanFillion FOUND! (opens in new tab) ” Nicely done. Congrats!

Ready to find another one? You’ll have to be clever this time… (opens in new tab)

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@ RealCliveBarker My friends ,Clive here, writing to share some wonderful news. Following the two Sold Out screenings of NIGHTBREED: The Cabal Cut on Sunday…

Morgan Creek has given us permission to show the cut around the world and to raise money to prepare the cut for a release on Blu Ray…

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@ Markgatiss Into the Labyrinth! (opens in new tab)

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@ steven_moffat See this new monster I’ve invented? This is a GOOD one. This will SCARE you. Oh yes.

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@ BryanFuller Singer on the set, there’s nothing better, but I love Singer when he’s wrapped in a sweater. (opens in new tab)

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@ sutterink i’m on it! i’ll pitch it to MG next time i see him. gemma-leela hot oil wrestling. RT @MagnusRose any chance for an SOA-Futurama crossover?

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@ MattStrevens1 The best thing best thing about shooting at a brewery. #misfits (opens in new tab)

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@ tomlenk I am at rehearsal for #jurassicpark the 30 minute musical. I am the t-rex. Process that.

Wil Wheaton

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@ wilw Walked into a store, heard a very quiet All Along the Watchtower. Nobody else noticed … really worried that I may be a frakkin’ toaster.

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@ theaarondouglas @wilw I haven’t seen you at any of the meetings.

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Tweets Of The Week continues on the next page…

Ian Somerhalder

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@ iansomerhalder Me and President Obama if it was 1962… (opens in new tab)

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@ eoincmacken I just spent the day on a very happy horse in a forest and it was almost magical…..

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@ Hannah_Ties1323 : @ eoincmacken whats the horse you ride called? X

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@ eoincmacken : @ Hannah_Ties1323 just ‘horse’….we get on very well…

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@ neveldinetaylor if we’re taking sides on Prometheus. let’s be clear: what Ridley did is pants-pissing genius

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@ ManMadeMoon I hear in Season 3 of Game of Thrones, the Night Watch get reassigned to stand guard on top of the England football team. #england

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@ EddieMcClintock VINTAGE #WAREHOUSE13 : “Umbillicus Shmillicus” Season 1 (opens in new tab)

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@ LucBruno88 @HamillHimself hey Mr. Hamill if you were asked to voice Joker in Arkham 3 would you do it?

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@ HamillHimself @LucBruno88 Never say never!

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@ SamWitwer I’ve always wondered since #Alien ; who were the #spacejockeys ? I guess I know now. They were #jerks . The end.

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@ THEBRYANHITCH So another Blade Runner is on the way. Title? Blade Runners? Blade Ran? Blade Running? Blade Trot? Blade Long Distance Marathon Runner.

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@ charltonbrooker I reckon The Dark Knight Rises will be so pretentious, Batman will start calling himself ‘Bartholomew Man’ in it.

@ rainnwilson Dear Prometheus crew: Maybe if you stopped constantly removing yr helmets, aliens would stop jumping down yr throats. Just a thought! Be …

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@ JamesGunn W @mrosenbaum711 @seangunn @tarastrong @jimmyurine @OJessicaNigri at the biggest crowd for a WB games launch ever!!! (opens in new tab)

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@ RealReeceShears The creepiest bit in Aliens is when “Newt” says “Most-ly”.

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Tweets Of The Week

They’ve been going Twitter-tastic on the set of Doctor Who ’s New York episode (opens in new tab) over the past week. Not only has Arthur Darvill been pegging people left, right and centre*, but Karen Gillan finally took the plunge, embraced the spambots and entered the Twittersphere. This means that hopefully we won’t have to put up with pointless imposters from now on (seriously, who in their right mind does that?), or those who like to point out incessantly that obvious fakers are fakers…

The highlights of her time on Twitter so far: 50,000 followers in less than 24 hours, forgetting to turn her email notifications off (we’d hate to see that inbox), cress puns and a brief exchange with former Who companion Nicola Bryant. Our personal highlight: the description of herself as a “bit moony” in her bio. Oh, Pond, why do you have to leave us so soon?

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@ KarenGillan2 Amy’s stuff (opens in new tab)

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@ CaroSkinner The moment that fateful decision was made: to tweet or not to tweet…??!! @RattyBurvil @karengillan2 @steven_moffat (opens in new tab)

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@ RattyBurvil so @KarenGillan2 has NOT turned off her email notifications and her battery has died. Cue 50000 emails. Today just got so much better.

*And if you didn’t know what pegging is…

@ RattyBurvil you got pegged @KarenGillan2 #evilpeg (opens in new tab)

You’re not safe either @CaroSkinner (opens in new tab)

WATCH OUT FOR THE PEG!!! @steven_moffat (opens in new tab)

The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ AnthonySHead Went to see #CabinInTheWoods tonight – just brilliant. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must – Joss and Drew are genii!

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@ AllCharisma Teacher’s pet! ” @AnthonySHead : Went 2 C #CabinInTheWoods 2night -Brilliant. If U haven’t seen it, it’s a must – Joss %26 Drew are genii!”

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@ JRichardKelly Also great to see Fran Kranz in TCITW. Fran was Frank’s clown passenger in DONNIE DARKO.

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@ stephenfry Phew! Got all emotional after shooting my final scene on the Hobbit. Preparing for home over the weekend.

@ Josh_Friedman Tried teaching 7yrold @ taking responsibility 4 emotions by telling how dicky I was on TSCC notes calls. Ended up convincing him WBros sux.

David Slade

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@ DAVID_A_SLADE Daredevil update is that there is no real Daredevil update. We all want to make it but its going slow, %26 details are too boring to print

I am focussing on Hannibal hoping after that to be able to get a burst of energy back on DD.

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@ Paul_Cornell ‘If you’re calling to say Human Nature was great but Blink was so much better, and why don’t you write another episode, press two…’

Catch up on the last, epic, Tweets Of The Week. (opens in new tab)

Find out the latest on Doctor Who series 7 in our Doctor Who news accumulator. (opens in new tab)

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Tweets Of The Week

A guide to following the right people on Twitter, a Robot Chicken DC funeral and which SF director is addicted to Skyrim? Find out in this week’s tweets

Twitter can be a great place to laugh, learn and while away the minutes/hours… but only if you’re following the right people. It’s a careful balancing act as well. Follow too many people and you’ll never be able to keep up with the noise. Too few and Twitter will feel like an empty house party. Over the past few months Tweets Of The Week has hopefully given you an idea of the kind of sci-fi celebs you should be following – but here are the ones to avoid:

1. Those retweeting every fan’s request, no matter how small. “RT because my cat just killed a mouse?” Sigh.

2. Those who tweet once every three years (*cough* @ AnthonySHead *cough*).

3. Those who fill your feed with Q&A for hours on end. This one comes with a caveat, because we rather enjoy @ stevendeknight ’s lengthy and witty Q&A sessions, but @ glenmazzara , though refreshingly open to answering almost any question he’s asked, tweets more than the Justin Bieber bot and isn’t averse to spilling Walking Dead spoilers if you’re not watching at UK pace. Boo!

4. Those who have a twitter writing team (work them out for yourself).

5. Those who self promote incessantly, so definitely not these guys .

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ SethGreen First day of shooting Robot Chicken DC comics special- you’ll never guess who’s in the hearse… #RCDC (opens in new tab)

And by the way, this… #RCDC (opens in new tab)

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@ HamillHimself Couldn’t go toLondon, but heard I won a BAFTA award for my Joker!ThanksBritishAcademy, I’m honored! Maybe the trick is not showing up.

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@ StephenMerchant Portal 2 won Best Game at BAFTA video game awards. I was nominated as Best Performer but lost to Mark Hamill. Fucking Jedis

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@ rainnwilson I don’t care what they say, John Carter of Mars was really friggin cool. I highly recommend it. Walter loved it too. #JohnCarter

Bryan Lee O Malley

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@ radiomaru I’m only going to say this once but the redone graphics in monkey island 2 on XBLA are an affront to my very humanity

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@ DamonLindelof Although I have no shame in being a complete sellout with no artistic integrity, trailers for trailers are bullshit.

Lots! RT @PeteMallon How much of Jon Spaihts’ original draft was included in the finished film?

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@ neveldinetaylor Obama reportedly told @IdrisElba : “I liked you in ‘The Wire’, but Michelle and I love you in #Luther ” guess he didn’t see GRSOV?

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@ ManMadeMoon Know it’s not fair teasing, but tough-titties… If I get to make the film Im writing, you’re going to need a big-ass bucket of popcorn. 😉

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@ stephenfry Ian McKellen and I v pleased that The Hobbit pub appears to be safe. Between his FB and my tweet I hope we helped common sense prevail.

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@ rcjohnso FUN FACT! Skyrim is becoming a real problem in my life and nobody is taking my cries for help seriously. FUN FACT!

I’ve decided not to watch the new Prometheus trailer. For a trailer junkie like myself, this is like deciding not to do heroin this month.

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@ CarltonCuse #HungerGames is engaging, smart, well cast and completely enjoyable.

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Tweets Of The Week continues on the next page!

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@ SamWitwer #ForceUnleashed3 questions; it’s not currently in production. If you want it sooner rather than later, make noise. 1 and 2 sold very well.

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@ allisonscag I definitely just Claudia’d @saulrubinek over the phone. Somebody needed to know how to convert .avi to .mov… #pieceofcake

It has been brought to my attention that I look dead-up like the chick in Mass Effect 3. I’m good with it; that uniform is fantastic.

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@ sutterink my offer to @glenmazzara . make me a zombie in season 3 and i’ll make you a dead biker in season 5.

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@ paul_mcguigan I was planning to go down to the STAR TREK set today to see Benedict do a big fight sequence but I don’t think I’ll have the time…arggh

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@ BRIANMBENDIS Want to smell like what you think Gerard butler smelled like in 300? Someone thinks you do (opens in new tab)

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@ ZacharyLevi Eesh! You’re playing with Pandora’s Box there kid. Careful. 😉 RT @CoreyHorn : @ZacharyLevi because Chuck was always logical 😉

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@ BaruchelNDG Very psyched to finally get to see how badly I ruined @SammyHuntington and @MeaghanRath ‘s tv show “Being Human” tonight. Let’s all find out

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@ StephenMangan Sounds like #DouglasAdams60th was a great night and there were a lot of people there who know where their towels are.

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@ TheRealNimoy Had dinner with Mr. Quinto last night. Always a great pleasure. LLAP Young Spock.

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@ Y_Strahovski So how’s the Mass Effect 3 coming along then? 😉

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@ TheWookieeRoars This wins. (opens in new tab)

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