King of Kong was more of a skillfully edited work of fiction than an actual (read: factual) documentary, but it was awesomely entertaining to watch. It makes sense then that its director, Seth Gordon, has been tapped to tell another tall tale about the evils of gaming as the director ofMGM Studios’upcomingWar Games remake.
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As reported by Deadline, Gordon has been given carte blanche to re-imagine the classic 1983 movie about young computer know-it-alls (played by Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy), who beginplaying war simulationswith a super computer, only to realize they are laying the groundwork for World War III. Considering how far gaming has evolved since 1983, there’s a lot of ways Gordon could go with a reboot. No casting has yet been confirmed,but odds are Shia %26ldquo;The Beef%26rdquo; LaBeouf will be getting a phone call right about….now.
Gordon’s latest directorial efforts can be seen in the upcoming comedy Horrible Bosses starring Jason Bateman, Charlie Day (aka Green Man) and Jason Sudeikis. And if you’ve yet to watch King of Kong, may I first suggest you abandon any pretense of it being a true account of what went down between Donkey Kong contenders Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell before you do. I’ve had the honor of working with those guys and the Twin Galaxies crew for the last few years, and can say without a shadow of a doubt that movie left a lot of truth on the cutting room floor in favor ofmaking a cartooney good vs. evil story. I’m also prepared to fight anyone who says anything untoward about Walter Day.
Jun 24, 2011
[Source:Deadline (opens in new tab)]