Tag Archives: Role Playing

Blizzard offers Diablo 3 fans a closer look at Leahs pores

Further fueling the fire for Diablo 3 fandom, Blizzard Entertainment has posted what appears to be some serious screenshots of Leah from the game’s cinematic cutscenes. As the adopted daughter of series scribe Deckard Cain, Leah replaces the wise loremaster as narrator for Diablo 3’s opening cinematic – and will …

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Scans from Skyrims manual appear online

Here’s a treat for Elder Scrolls fans eager to get straight to the gameplay on launch: an extensive set of glimpses at the Xbox 360 version of the Skyrim’s manual. With the document’s lucky owner knowing that speed is a virtue when leaking material from a game as anticipated as …

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Blizzards Mike Morhaime to receive ESAs philanthropic award

Blizzard Entertainment boss Mike Morhaime has been named the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) Foundation’s 2011 Champion Honoree. The award recognizes Morhaime and Blizzard’s ongoing fundraising efforts for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a non-profit group dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for sick children. That’s good for at least few thousand …

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Top 7… horrendously buggy games we loved anyway

Tsk. Bugs, eh. In games. Nothing worse. They’re not meant to be there. But sometimes they are and that’s where they stay until Mr Developer stops fiddling with his massive beard and decides to do something about it. And he always does something about it because he knows otherwise gamers …

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Diablo III pushed back to early 2012, beta phase extended

Blizzard has become infamous for holding back the release of a game until it’s “done,” so this news should come as no surprise, even if it is a disappointment. Earlier today, CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment, Mike Morhaime, announced that the company would not be meeting its end-of-the-year goal …

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Diablo III beta is live

Break out the Red Bull and Doritos and start flexing that clicking finger. After years of development and months of teasing, Blizzard has finally begun allowing lucky gamers to participate in the Diablo III beta, opening up a small section to the loot-fest hack-and-slash to select gamers who opted in …

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First Disgaea 3 Return trailer for PS Vita

The first trailer for the PlayStation Vita’s Disgaea 3 Return has recently surfaced on Nippon Ichi’steaser site (opens in new tab). The full site will go live on the August 18, but we already know two things: the game’s name is Disgaea 3 Return and that the trailer follows in …

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