Tag Archives: Fun Stuff

GUEST BLOG: Anna Caltabiano

The YA author tell us how to write a novel and get a six-pack in the process… An early example was when I read that sitting for more than 3 hours a day can shave a person’s life expectancy by two years. You contemplate trying to write for two hours …

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This Weekend Were At The Bath Comic And Sci-Fi Event

Join SFX and a line-up of great guests: this weekend in our home city It’s almost upon us! Remember to join us at Bath’s Masonic Hall for the Comic And Sci-Fi Weekender , an opportunity for sci-fi and comic enthusiasts to mingle and meet guests, as well as participate in …

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Tweets Of The Week

Writers, stars and everyone else share their two cents on the Twelfth Doctor, Nathan Fillion’s condition for eating a cat turd and Simon Pegg plays Potter in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) Unless you’ve been living under a rock that’s fallen …

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Tweets Of The Week

A Field In England Proves A Twitter Hit, The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond reunite and Russell Crowe on a Krypton prequel in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab) The release of A Field In England , the latest from Kill List/Sightseers director Ben Wheatley, last …

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Happy Birthday Mothers Basement

(opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) Happy first birthday to our merchandising partners Mother’s Basement ! They have been a great resource for SFX this year, so please join us in raising your glass as they blow out their candles. There may even be a slice of cake …

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A To Z Of Evil Dead

X is for X-Rated While in the UK, the X-rating could only be awarded by the BBFC, and prevented anyone under the age of 18 from seeing the film*, in the US the X-rating was non-copyrighted. The MPAA could force a film to carry an 18-rating, but filmmakers could claim …

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A To Z Of Evil Dead

(opens in new tab) Q i s for Quest For Prizes The Cursed Word is a cryptic clue-driven challenge on the official Evil Dead Facebook UK page which will take place over the next week for every die-hard (pardon the pun!) Evil Dead fan. Pages of “The Book Of The …

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A To Z Of Evil Dead

(opens in new tab) N i s for Naturon Demonto “It is entitled ‘Naturon Demonto’, roughly translated, ‘Book of the Dead’. The book is bound in human flesh and inked in human blood. It deals with demons and demon resurrection and those forces which roam the forest and dark bowers …

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Easter Bunnies: Sci-Fi & Fantasys Greatest Rabbits

• This is an updated and expanded version of a feature from the SFX Archives. By Jayne Nelson and Dave Golder . Roger Rabbit Who Framed Roger Rabbit He’s a nice guy, is Roger, but he’s not what you’d call “intelligent”. Earning peanuts being beaten up by a baby for …

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Attack Of The Clones #27: Monty Pythons In The Flesh

It’s been bugging us all week where we’ve seen conditioner-dodging Dean from In The Flesh before. Then is struck us like an alien spaceship from nowhere – he was the jailer in Life Of Brian … (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) • Check out some our previous …

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