As John Wick 2 heads into production next week, the first baddie destined to go up against Keanu Reeves’ titular badass has been revealed. According to a report from THR, Common will take on a role as head of security for a notorious female crime lord, and star as one of the film’s major villains.
This raises several questions, mainly because we don’t know anything about the crime lord in question. Based on what Reeves’ himself revealed several weeks ago the movie plans to reap Wick’s past, bringing about things from his personal history to stir up events in the present. What can that mean? It’s all rather mysterious at this stage, like the man himself, but there’s a strong chance we’ll be treated to more stellar fight cinematography.
THR goes on to confirm that another familiar face is returning for the sequel. Ian McShane will reprise his role as Winston, the owner of assassin-friendly hotel The Continental. He struck quite a chord with fans of the first movie, and his very presence implies that John will likely rely on him for further assistance. Directed by Chad Stahelski, John Wick 2 is slated for sometime in 2016.