Star Wars Battlefront (opens in new tab) won’t let players aim down the ironsights of their futuristic blasters – assuming they have any ironsights to begin with. It may be bad news for fans expecting the standard array of shooter stuff from Battlefront, but it is more proof that DICE isn’t just making Battlefield: Star Wars.
Rebels and Stormtroopers alike seemed to be great fans of the hip shot in the original trilogy, after all. DICE Executive Producer Patrick Bach made the point clear in an interview with our friends at OXM:
“There are no ironsights in Star Wars, on the ordinary blasters,” Bach said. “You have scopes on some rifles, but there are no ironsights.”
Bach said he couldn’t go into any detail about how the lack of aiming down sights, which normally improves accuracy and stability in first-person shooters, will affect the rest of the Star Wars Battlefront multiplayer details (opens in new tab).
“We’re not taking into account what we’ve done before, because I think that would be disrespectful to the fans, and to what we’re trying to achieve here. A lot of the things you saw in the game have nothing to do with anything we’ve done before. Some features of course resemble [our other shooters], because we want to make the best possible shooter, but in general we’ve tried to do something completely unique.”
You can read more about Star Wars Battlefront in OXM’s cover story, which is out Friday the 8th of May. Download it here (opens in new tab) or subscribe (opens in new tab) for future issues.