Joss Whedon talks global feel of Avengers: Age Of Ultron

While it’s tempting to get entirely swept away by Marvel’s exciting Phase 3 plans, there is still the small matter of Avengers: Age Of Ultron to be dealt with first, with Joss Whedon explaining that the second film will have a more global feel to it…

“Up in the Italian Alps,” said Whedon, when asked where the film had shot. “We were in Seoul, Korea. We were in Johannesburg. We shot a little in Bangladesh. Then all over England.”

Quite the globetrotting production then, although as Whedon explains, there was a reason for expanding the geographical scope of the new film…

“This is a very global film,” says the director. “We wanted the world perspective on the Avengers. They’re being the Avengers and that’s a global thing and it doesn’t make everybody love them, so we wanted to see both sides of that.”

Could it be the reaction of the wider world to the Avengers that sets events down the path that leads to Civil War? We’ll have to wait until 24 April 2015 to find out…

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