Squre Enix has summoned a new Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer guiding would-be adventurers on successful monster hunting and training. With over 150 foes to fight and collect, it’s one the game’s meatiest features. Find out out how you can make it work for your in this “Master of Monsters” video.
Hold up — where’s cactuar? We’re sure there’s a Cactuar. And by that we mean there better be a Cactuar.
As depicted in the video, Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIII sequel will lean heavily on capturing monsters and bending them to the player’s whim. Once collected, non-human party members can be evolved, outfitted, linked to special quick time moves, and even infused (read: fed alive) to other monsters to increase their skill sets.
Pokemon overtones aside, the monster-collecting feature appears to be a fairly deep component, and it could conceivably add hours to the game for completionists. Witness the other changes in store for Final Fantasy XIII-2’s combat system in the recently released “Enhanced Battle System” video, or follow us over the first five hours of the upcoming sequel in our latest hands-on preview.