Black Widow movie officially announced by Marvel at San Diego Comic Con, and Scarlett Johansson is ready to kick ass

The Black Widow movie (opens in new tab) has been announced at San Diego Comic Con 2019. the movie has been filming in the UK for some time and is just one of a handful of new properties to arrive as part of Marvel Phase 4,.

Scarlett Johansson is back as the eponymous ass-kicking Avenger, having previously appeared as the character in multiple other MCU movies. She will be joined by Midsommar (opens in new tab) actress Florence Pugh as Yelena, a “sister figure” to Natasha Romanoff, Stranger Things acotor David Harbour (who will play the character Alexi), Rachel Weisz, and O-T Fagbenle. It was revealed that Black Widow will face off against the villain Taskmaster.

The Black Widow movie will be directed by Cate Shortland, and will debut in cinemas on May 1, 2020, the first of the Phase 4 movies.

#marvel #SDCC May 1 2020Black Widow 21, 2019

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Of course, there’s also the small matter of where it all fits into the timeline (and if you thought the Marvel timeline was confusing before, just you wait). Despite being a Marvel Phase 4 addition, the Black Widow movie will take place between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War. 

“They’ve known each other for a while and there’s a complex history there,” Harbour told IGN (opens in new tab). “This movie happens right after Captain America: CIvil War, and so those events do factor in.”

The announcement was made at San Diego Comic-Con, with Marvel head Kevin Feige confirming another nine new MCU movies are currently in development. They include  The Eternals (opens in new tab), Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (opens in new tab), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (opens in new tab), Thor: Love and Thunder (opens in new tab) and Blade (opens in new tab). Read all about the Marvel SDCC panel here.

Don’t miss out on a single moment SDCC with our complete look at the San Diego Comic Con 2019 schedule (opens in new tab) and our San Diego Comic Con 2019 trailers (opens in new tab) hub.

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