Disney has released the first trailer for next year’s Zootropolis, an animated feature set in a mammalian metropolis featuring every type of animal imaginable. Officer Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), a rabbit, leads the film as a newbie to the city who must make her mark as the first bunny on the force.
In order to prove she’s no push-over, she teams up with the quippy, fast-talking fox Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman) to crack a mysterious case. According to director Rich Moore, who helmed 2012’s Wreck-It Ralph, the film is “a nod to the great Disney animated animal films we all grew up with, but with a funny, contemporary twist.” Check out the first teaser below and see for yourself.
Bateman’s voiceover leads this tongue-in-cheek teaser, which sets up the world of Zootropolis as opposed to delving into the finer plot points. Addressing the issues of how animals behave like humans in movies is a neat meta-twist – especially with Bateman’s dry delivery as a rather fantastic fox.
Zootropolis opens in the UK on March 25, 2016 and in the US – under the name Zootopia – on March 4.
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