Batman: Arkham City creators at Kapow!

Kapow!’s lineup just gets stronger and stronger, with the creative team behind the multi-award winning Batman: Arkham City set to appear at this year’s event.

Rocksteady Studios are sending four of their senior creatives to attend a special panel at the comic-book convention on 19 May 2012, discussing the story behind the wildly successful videogame and how they made an end product worthy of the Batman legend.

Fans attending the panel will hear first-hand from Game Director Sefton Hill and key members of the team, including Lead Narrative Designer Paul Crocker, Audio Director Nick Arundel and Art Director David Hego.

It’s the first time the team have ever attended a UK event, and only the second one they’ve spoken at worldwide, so it really is a bit of a treat. The panel is just the latest in a long line of exciting announcements which have seen Nick Frost and Noel Clarke added to the lineup in recent weeks.

The event will be held at London’s Business Design Centre between 19-20 May, with tickets available from the official website , where you can also find details of the full lineup in all its glory.

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