Tag Archives: Windows Phone 7

Weekend Spent: Sept 29-30 – What are you playing?

(opens in new tab) Darren: This weekend is all about whittling down my pile of shame. Between the likes of Skyrim, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and Crysis 2, there’s quite a few titles with which I’d like to get some more game time. I’m also looking to resume my …

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Microsoft patents wearable controller

A Microsoft patent for wearable sensors which detect electrical signals generated by muscles could hint at future control systems for the company’s consoles and other hardware. The patent filed in March for “a wearable device having a set of electromyography (EMG) sensor nodes for detecting a user’s muscle-generated electrical signals …

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What is Tokyo Game Show (TGS)?

Since 1996, the Tokyo Game Show has given developers yet another reason to amass in a convention center to show off their wares. Until 2002 it was held twice a year, something that changed when it was decided to cut one, leaving only the the autumn show in September, remaining. …

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DayZ creator urges release of ArmA devs jailed for alleged espionage

Two Bohemia Interactive developers were arrested on charges of spying in Greece, and DayZ creator Dean “Rocket” Hall is urging gamers to call for their immediate release. Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, both Czech nationals involved in the ArmA series of military shooters, were detained earlier this month and face …

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BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk retire

BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk are retiring, the developer announced today. The pair of doctors outlined their future plans outside the games industry and gave thanks on respective blog posts, and general manager of BioWare Edmonton and Montreal Aaryn Flynn detailed the Electronic Arts label’s future plans on …

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The Top 7… Best bros in gaming history

We scoured gaming history to find the closest of bros that exemplify the heady high of that intense and awesome brand of friendship. We begin some 25 years ago with… 7. Billy and Jimmy (Double Dragon) The two young men, dressed in the toughest attire of the era, work together …

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