Tag Archives: Mass Effect 3

GamesRadar UK Podcast 010 – Bum eyes

Welcome to tenth edition of the still-new-and-fresh-smelling GamesRadar UK Podcast! Mixed into the usual talk about games, a further discussion about cheese and a worrying admission that Justin had a nightmare about the Care Bears, you’ll find your favourite regulars, like the Erection Section, the Towell Joke Factory and the …

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Mass Effect 3 artbook comes with DLC for Xbox 360 and PC

Attention art lovers and collectors of fine alien weaponry. From now until February 20, BioWare and Barnes & Noble are giving anyone who pre-orders Dark Horse Comics’ forthcoming book, The Art of Mass Effect Universe, a free DLC code for a Collector Assault Rifle and character boosters in Mass Effect …

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Mass Effect 3 toys come with slightly randomized multiplayer DLC

The line of dolls (sorry, “collectible action figurines”) EA and Bioware are readying for release alongside Mass Effect 3 will include codes to unlock bonus content for the multiplayer modes of the PC and Xbox 360 versions of the game. Bioware says the content will come “slightly randomized during registration,” …

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Mass Effect 3 demo drops in on February 14

Mass Effect 3 is only a few months away, crashing into your living room and slapping you in the face on March 6, but you’ll be able to get your hands on the game much sooner than that. Today, BioWare confirmed that a demo for the game was due out …

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Recycled characters you see in every BioWare game

Before you get started with this article, we’d like to begin with a very sincere, simple statement: we love BioWare a whole squishy huggy bunch. Their narratives are usually awesome and we’ve spent an embarrassing number of hours playing their games. That said… with the recent release of Dragon Age …

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The Royal Wedding: A Gamers Guide

The Royal Wedding is just two posh people you don’t know getting married and has nothing at all to do with video games. Incredibly, that statement is only 50% correct. Of course it’s implausible that any real people reading this could ever legally be acquainted with Prince William and Kate …

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