Tag Archives: Features

Sci-Fis 10 Geekiest Films and Shows

We’re not talking about things that geeks like to watch, but the films and shows that celebrate geekiness What are the geekiest sci-fi films and TV shows ever? And by that we mean, which ones celebrate all things geeky and turn the geek into a loveable hero? Of course, if …

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Tweets Of The Week

Jensen Ackles topless? Is Mark Hamill really done with the Joker? Whose shirt did Russell T Davies once declare “a bit gay”? All answered in this week’s tweets

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Julias Eyes: Guillermo del Toro Interview

[VAMS] This time with his producer’s hat on, del Toro talks about this creepy Spanish thriller, in one of the extras from the DVD release, out on 12 September. Julia, a woman suffering from a degenerative sight disease, finds her twin sister Sara, who has already gone blind as a …

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