Tag Archives: E3

E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Saints Row: The Third interview

Saints Row was never the most serious franchise, as its greatest positives are just how insane, profane, and jokey the titles are. The third game promises the return of pimps, speedos, urine, dildos and even more irreverence than we can predict. On the show floor of E3 2011, we picked …

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E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Deus Ex: Human Revolution interview

With its release in late August edging ever closer, Deus Ex: Human Revolution isn’t as distant as some of the other high-profile games at E3 – but that doesn’t mean it’s any less impressive. The closed-doors E3 demo alone took protagonist Adam Jensen through multiple approaches to problems, through lethal …

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E3 2011: Rage – hands-on Dead City gameplay

Let’s just put a stop to all of the comparisons to Fallout 3 and Borderlands right now. Rage is a different beast. You’re not earning XP by shooting ghouls after pausing gameplay in VATS and you’re not making a combat shogun with acid-spewing shenanigans. No, id Software’s Rage focuses less …

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E3 2011: Minecraft port coming exclusively to 360

Just announced exclusively for the Xbox 360 is a port of PC/Mac indie darling Minecraft, complete with Kinect functionality. No details or demos were given on how Kinect controls will work, but we do know the ambiguous release date is sometime this winter. Game creator Markus “Notch” Perssonconfirmed that the …

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E3 MVG 2011: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim interview

When November 11, 2011 rolls around, I plan to lose no less than 100 hours of sleep to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After seeing Bethesda’s closed-door demonstration of the next chapter in the Elder Scrolls series, GamesRadar caught up with Skyrim’s lead producer Craig Lafferty to talk about dragons, …

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E3 2011: Silent Hill: Downpour hands-on preview

While it shares similarities with its current-gen predecessor Silent Hill: Homecoming, Silent Hill: Downpour looks like more of a return to form in terms of how it builds atmosphere and suspense through the relative helplessness of its protagonist, Murphy Pendleton. Unlike Homecoming’s Alex Shepherd, a proficient, combat-hardened soldier, Murphy is …

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E3 MVG 2011: Rage interview

id’s famous for pioneering the FPS genre with Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, and their next shooter, Rage, is aiming to change things all over again. Running on the mechanically and graphically impressive id Tech 5 engine, Rage has makes the post-apocalypse look fun, so long as you enjoy shooting mutants …

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E3 2011: CCP explains how Dust 514 will merge with EVE Online

Icelandicdeveloper CCP has dished out more details on how its recently announced shooter for the PS3, Dust 514, will integrate with nearly every aspect of its long running PC MMO, EVE Online. According to CCP community manager James Egan, the so-called EVE-Dust Link will represent something of a first for …

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E3 2011: BioShock Infinite will support Move controls

At Sony’s E3 press conference earlier this evening, Irrational Games’ Ken Levine beganhis presentation byrecounting a recent interview he gave where he completely poo-pooed motion controls, firmly stating that his company was dedicated to traditional button-based input.So refreshing, right? We were totally with himas hepoked funatmotion controlsby flailing about ridiculously, …

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