Sigourney Weaver casts doubt on Ghostbusters 3

In August Dan Aykroyd predicted that Ghostbusters 3 would be going into production in 2012 (joy!) but it seems actress Sigourney Weaver doesn’t share his optimism (pain!) and has cast doubt on the whole project.

“I have yet to read the script,” the actress who played Dana Barrett in the first two Ghostbusters films told Coming Soon.

“I’ve had a couple of calls and I know they’re rewriting. All I said was that I hope my son Oscar has grown up to be a Ghostbuster and Ivan Reitman said yes. Beyond that I have no idea. I hope it comes together, but we already did two wonderful films and if we have to let this one go, that’s fine.”

Weaver also confirmed she’ll return in the Avatar sequels, even if that surprises those who saw the first film.

“Don’t worry, I will be back. Jim [Cameron] says no one ever dies in science fiction. He’s told me the stories for the next two movies and I have to say that they’re absolutely wonderful and there’s a real treat in store. Now we just have to make them,” she added.

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