Being the Batman now includes selling Muse albums in the new trailer

We’ve been through a lot of Batman Arkham Knight (opens in new tab) trailers now. There’s only a matter of weeks to go and the desire to hang off Gotham’s gargoyles is becoming painful. Yet this TV spot somehow manages to eclipse the weirdness of the live action Batman Arkham Knight trailer (opens in new tab) and goes straight to song plugging territory. Sure there’s incredible looking gameplay – ooh look at the way his cape flutters in the breeze from the helicopter – but there’s also a thematically redundant new song from Muse that just screams cross promotion. We haven’t had a pairing this awkward in Gotham since nipples met the Batsuit.

The YouTube description says that Matt Bellamy’s song “explores the journey of a human: from abandonment and loss of hope, to indoctrination by the system to be a human drone, to eventual defection from the oppressors.” Apparently “Reminiscent of The Dark Knight’s own journey, it will inspire fans to be the vengeance, be the night and be the Batman”. Gosh, I wonder who has a new album out? See the trailer above and don’t worry, Arkham Knight is out on the 23rd of June and you’ve always got a mute button. Or should that be a Muse button…?

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