The show breaks the six million barrier… just… for the first time this series!
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Merlin ’s “Lancelot Du Lac” became the show’s most-viewed episode so far this series, with an average of 6.01 million tuning in to watch, according to overnight ratings figures.
That just beats the 5.9 million achieved by “His Father’s Son” earlier in this current run, and a 0.36 million improvement over last week’s episode’s overnights. Brilliant news for an absolutely cracking episode.
Merlin was still only fourth, though, behind the three vote-’em-out shows: Strictly Come Dancing won the night with 10.61 million, The X-Factor was second with 9.99 million, and I’m A Celebrity, Give My Career A Lifeline was third with 8.23 million.
Oh, for those of you who want to know how Merlin has been doing when it comes to final consolidated figures, here are all the figures we have so far:
The Darkest Hour Part 1 6.4 million
The Darkest Hour Part 2 6.8 million
The Wicked Day 7.04 million
Aithusa 6.96 million
His Father’s Son 7.4 million
A Servant Of Two Masters 6.94 million
The Secret Sharer 6.72 million