Super Amazing Wagon Adventure from indie dev sparsevector is like educational classic The Oregon Trail in so far as it’s about 19th Century folks travelling west across America in a wagon. There are rivers to cross and bears to hunt and supplies to gather and lots of nasty ways to die. Just like Oregon Trail. But Super Amazing Wagon Adventure has so much more besides. Like zombies, psilocybin mushrooms, aliens, salubrious sex scenes, rocket launchers, a badass soundtrack and a whole bunch of other nonsense that makes it a LOT of fun to play.
Here’s the trailer…
As you can see, it’s your staple mix of moving about and dodging and/or shooting stuff. But the really beautiful thing with Super Amazing Wagon Adventure is you never know what’s going to happen next. That’s the hook. Every migration is a sequence of semi-randomised events and each play-through is different. But always completely mental. I’ve been playing it for a couple of days and am still having fresh, glorious madness thrown at me – last night I was ambushed by unicorns for the first time.
Above: Kill the buffalo
The most super amazing thing about Super Amazing Wagon Adventure is that it’s on Xbox Live Indie right now and only costs 80 Microsoft Points, which is pretty much the equivalent of nothing (69p/$1 UK and US respectively). Apparently there’s a PC version on the way soon.
So if you’re looking for something that’s *like* Oregon Trail but a bazillion times more cockeyed… Super Amazing Wagon Adventure.