James Gunn has been speaking to Variety about his intentions for Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 , with the director already sounding excited by the plans he has up his sleeve…
“It’s going to be a really surprising open. What happens is all the characters are killed in the first 10 minutes,” joked Gunn. “In really horribly, brutal fashion.”
He then went on to confirm that all five of the original Guardians would indeed be returning for round two, while revealing that there will also be some new team members along for the ride.
“I spent all day on 1 August, the day the first movie was released, writing Guardians 2 ,” continues Gunn. “I was so excited about it and I was finally able to let go of the last one and begin the second one. I always saw this as a universe, not just as one story.”
However, Gunn did confirm that despite his characters’ abilities to travel to far-flung galaxies, there will be no Star Wars crossover on the horizon. “S tar Wars was a long time ago,” says Gunn. “It would have to be time travel.”