Since we first heard Sega and Treasure were finally creating an HD remake of Guardian Heroes (one of the best/least played games of all time), we’ve been patiently waiting for any new details. As a download-filled summer wore on, we heard nothing about the HD rerelease, but today Sega finally opened up about the game, confirming GH is hitting the 360 download service October 12 in the US and UK.
Above: The new trailer highlights the multiple story paths of Guardian Heroes, which added tons of replayability
Though we’ve yet to play the final version, the price of 800 Microsoft Fun Bucks (aka $10) looks like a pretty great deal at the moment. You get an out of print game that will normally set you back $80 on eBay, an (optional) high resolution upgrade of that game, and up to 12-player online multiplayer. If any GH fan out there is left wanting with such a package, we’re sorry to say you’ll never be satisfied, and life will always be inadequate.
Sep 6, 2011