So the rumour mill says we won’t get a new Assassin’s Creed game until 2017 (opens in new tab) but the small matter of a Michael Fassbender movie is still well and truly scheduled for December the 21st. The below screens are fresh from the UbiBlog (opens in new tab) and show off Fassbender in both his 15th century Spanish get up as Assassin Aguilar and more, well, what looks institutionalised 21st century garb of genetic descendant Callum Lynch.
Going by the graffiti and names behind Fassbender in the above shot, it looks like he’s being read his last rites in a Spanish prison. Either that or an exorcism but I’m guessing at the former. The below image shows off his co star Ariane Labed and I don’t think it’s too much of a leap of faith to imagine she’s a fellow Assassin. They have matching facial tattoos for one thing and the all important hoods.
Finally here’s that action shot above in all its glory. Notice that there’s no sign of Aguilar’s hidden blade. Maybe that’s why he looks so unimpressed…
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