Gerard Butler talks about his star-studded Oscars spoof

Total Film caught up with Gerard Butler recently, and the Scottish star told us about his role in Jimmy Kimmel’s epic post-Oscars skit.

When we asked Butler if he’d been working on anything on the day of our interview, he told us, “I’m glad you asked that question because I actually have a relatively interesting answer.

“I was with Jimmy Kimmel earlier filming his Oscar spoof thing. Basically I’m doing a piss-take of Taken . I’m looking for my baby, and I’m shouting on the phone – then you cut to a wide shot and I have my baby right in front of me… Then they gave me a flamethrower – so I had this backpack and flamethrower with a baby in tow – fighting sexy aliens.

“It’s hilarious. Matt Damon was doing it, and Bradley Cooper. It’s not every day you get to throw on a baby and a flamethrower at the same time. If there’s ever a day you want a journalist to say ‘so what have you been up to today?!’”

Check out a sneak preview of Jimmy Kimmel’s epic Movie: The Movie 2V , which will also feature Jessica Chastain, Jude Law and Amanda Seyfried:

And a poster’s also been released, for good measure:

Jimmy Kimmel’s post-Oscars special will air on ABC on 24 February 2013.

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