Gaze in awe at gorgeous pixels in Ethereal

You know I’m a sucker for pixel art, especially when it combines a 16-bit aesthetic with the extra-smooth animations of the 32-bit era. And that’s what immediately grabs me about Ethereal, an indie Kickstarter project with a realistically obtainable goal. Playing as a cute blue orb of spirit energy, you must platform and puzzle solve to provide some resolution to a lifetime of tragic and happy memories.

Maybe it’s just me, but three distinctly unique (and somewhat bizarre) games come to mind when I look at Ethereal–VVVVVV, Iggy’s Reckin Balls, and Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. An eclectic list, yes, but hear me out. Ethereal’s got the gravity-flipping, no-jumps platforming of VVVVVV, the adorable but outlandish spherical creatures of Iggy’s, and the interaction with allies and enemies in your environment just like Abe leading his people to freedom. Oh, and the backgrounds are absolutely gorgeous works of pixelated art. If that sounds like something up your alley, give the Ethereal Kickstarter page a look, won’t you?

Do you have something really cool that you’d like to share with us? Let us know! Maybe we’ll even post it. Can email us at or find us on Twitter @gamesradar.

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