Texas Chainsaw 3D has released a first official poster online, and it’s pretty bloody creepy, even by horror movie standards.
The new one-sheet is comprised a group of hideous masks, all stacked up on a shelf, presumably within Leatherface’s house. They all look weirdly lifelike, and judging by the furniture in the big man’s family home, there’s probably a reason for that…
The new film (the title of which has been shortened from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D ) will pick up where the original film left off, with the authorities alerted to the activities going on at the Sawyer household, and a group of angry citizens turning up to burn the place to the ground.
Some years later, a young woman discovers she has inherited a Texas estate from a previously unknown relative, only to uncover all manner of horrors in the bowels of her new property. It seems as though not all the Sawyers perished in that fire after all…
Directed by Takers ‘ John Luessenhop and starring a cast of relative unknowns, Texas Chainsaw 3D will open in the UK on 4 January 2013. In the meantime, you can check out the grisly new poster, below…