After nearly ten years (!) of development, Square Enix is really starting to open up on the game formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus 13. The developers gave fans their best look at the game’s content yet via a lengthy PAX East presentation on Final Fantasy 15 (opens in new tab): Episode Duscae.
The presentation lasted about an hour, and you can watch the whole thing here (opens in new tab) if you like. But if you’d rather jump right to the meaty gameplay demonstrations, make sure you check out the not-one-not-two-not-three-but-four new snippets of footage below, demonstrating everything from the basics of FF15’s combat system to how each of Prince Noctis’ buddies will help out in combat and questing alike.
That enough bromance for you? Of course not! Fortunately, you can try all that for yourself in FF15: Episode Duscae. Not for free of course – it only comes with a copy of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, which goes on sale for PS4 and Xbox One on March 17 in North America and March 20.
Kind of a ‘buy Zone of the Enders so you can play the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo’ situation, even if Type-0 HD does look pretty cool (opens in new tab).