Exclusive bad-ass Emily Blunt poster for Edge Of Tomorrow

With Edge Of Tomorrow just around the corner, we’ve landed an exclusive new poster showing off Emily Blunt in full-on action mode.

A futuristic sci-fi, the film sees Blunt playing soldier Rita, who’s involved in a war against evil aliens.

She’s caught up in a sinister time loop affecting hero Lt Bill Cage (Tom Cruise), who’s forced to relive the same event over and over again, Groundhog Day -style.

And as you can see from the poster, things are not looking good for the humans. Sing it with us now… the Louvre, the Louvre, the Louvre is on fire!

Anyway, we checked out 20 minutes of the film in March, read what we thought of it here (opens in new tab) .

Check out the poster below…

(opens in new tab)

[Click the poster above for a high-res version]

Edge Of Tomorrow opens in the UK on 30 May 2014.

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