After years of searching for the perfect franchise to fit the Kinect, it seems like we might have finally found it with a new game announcement from Namco. The next Dragon Ball Z game is Kinect bound and is planned for the end of the year. That’s right, you”ll soon be Spirit Bombing and Kamehamehaing in you own home.
Namco Bandai has said it will feature more than 50 characters, 100 moves, and 30 minutes of new anime footage. Also there’s promise of new content unlockable via QR codes, though no info revealed on just how you attain those codes. We’ll share more as we know it, but we’re most curious if there will be a versus mode to see who can stand still and scream the longest. Though if that’s in there, it could cause a wave of vocal chord injuries that will be all over Fox News.
DBZ fans, what moves do you hope to imitate in this game? Spirit Bomb? Galick Gun? Destructo Disks? In the meantime, here’s something to help you master accurate DBZ screaming: