Without checking, there’s little doubt that the title of Call of Duty: Black Ops’ newly-announced DLC, Rezurrection (that “z” is intentional), violates the copyright claims of approximately a billion mediocre metal bands and/or techno CDs you’ve never heard of. It’s all very well to offer free downloads for loyal customers (more on that inside), but Treyarch better have gone pretty damn high-concept for this one – not only to ensure brand recognition but to justify the announcement of another DLC pack so soon after the just-announced Annihilation. So this one’s about zombies on the moon. Yep, that’ll do it.
Focusing entirely on the game’s Zombies mode, Rezurrection adds a new map, Moon, which is exactly what you’d imagine: the culmination of the Zombies mode in a low-G lunar setting. The pack also includes remastered versions of previous Zombies levels Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese. With this semi-updated content, there had to be a freebie in store, as owners of the previously-released maps via the Hardened or Prestige editions of Black Ops will be able to download the remastered versions, as well as Moon and the pack’s new contributions to the Zombies mode’s soundtrack, for free on the pack’s August 23rd Xbox Live launch.
Everyone else can grab the pack for 1200 MSP, in time for the customary double-XP weekend that attends any DLC launch worth its weight in incorporeal non-transferable denomination. Looking forward to the Rezurrection?
Aug 3, 2011