BLOG Tim Lebbon Is Iron Man! Well, An Iron Man

Tim is, like I say, a busy guy. Which makes his latest project even more impressive. In August he’ll run his first Iron Man race. An Iron Man is three athletic events; a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a full marathon, clocking in at 26.2

He’ll be doing all of this in under 17 hours.

And, odds are, plotting out his next book as he goes.

Tim’s running for St David’s Hospice Care. They provide hospice and home care for the terminally ill and are entirely funded by charitable donations. Tim chose them because of how well they treated his mother, who he lost six years ago. He’s running for St David’s Hospice Care and in his mother’s memory and I can’t think of a better cause.

This is an incredibly difficult physical challenge and Tim’s been training six days a week for 30 weeks, including training races, to get up to speed. He’s worked incredibly hard for this, he’s close to his goal and he, and his cause, absolutely deserves support. The link to the campaign is below so, if you can, please donate. Everything helps.


Tim Lebbon’s Just Giving Page
Tim Lebbon’s homepage

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