Tag Archives: Blogs

“Writing Is A Skill And It Requires Use To Improve”

Writing advice for first time novelists, from the winner of the most recent Terry Pratchett publishing prize “Start getting into the habit of writing every day, whether it’s on a consistent project or just on something that occurs to you. Don’t wait around for inspiration, don’t quit if it’s hard. …

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GUEST BLOG Publishing Your Book

Josh Winning’s novel Sentinel is about to be released and here he offers his advice about getting your first book out there This is a guest blog by writer Josh Winning … (opens in new tab) Most kids want to be astronauts or superheroes when they grow up. I wanted …

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BLOG The Hobbit Fan Event

SFX reader and student Nathan FitzPatrick was at Warner’s exclusive event for Hobbit fans in London last week “If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together.” Full disclosure: I was grinning from ear-to-ear as Richard Armitage delivered his favourite line from the film, in response …

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SFX ‘s West Coast Editor Joe McCabe gives the skinny on a Californian Halloween There are few better places in which to experience Halloween than here in Los Angeles, a town that knows how to get its freak on most every day of the year. But throughout October, in addition …

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BLOG A RoboCop For The Masses?

(opens in new tab) One of the interesting little bits of news to come out of San Diego Comic-Con was the fact that the RoboCop remake was going for a PG-13 rating, which over here translates to a 12 certificate. The original Total Recall was an 18 and the remake …

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BLOG Everybody Needs Good Androids

(opens in new tab) “Androids, everybody needs good androids”. Not mobile phones, but the theme tune of Androids , the Neighbours -style soap opera spoofed in Red Dwarf when the crew first met beige-bonced Kryten. Androids eh? Designed to do either trivial jobs or those too dangerous for mere humans, …

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BLOG Tim Lebbon Is Iron Man! Well, An Iron Man

Tim is, like I say, a busy guy. Which makes his latest project even more impressive. In August he’ll run his first Iron Man race. An Iron Man is three athletic events; a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a full marathon, clocking in at 26.2 He’ll …

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BLOG Fish & Chocolate REVIEW

Floating assistance by Jio Butler Sheet music by Ewan Barry Moral & technical support by Paul Duffield Panty advice by Hayden Scott-Baron Fish & Chocolate is a collection of three short stories that explore the relationship between mother and child. I don’t know what genre they are. I know that …

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BLOG Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero REVIEW

Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero Tales From Year Zero is a trilogy of linked short stories, written by Travis Beacham, the screenwriter of Pacific Rim . They do exactly what the title implies; exploring the immediate aftermath of the Trespasser Event, the development of the Jaeger program and the …

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