Want to write for TotalFilm.com?

Do you know your Coppola from your crappola? Does your heart beat to the pulse of Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy soundtrack? Can words you write and sentences you make?

If so, TotalFilm.com wants you!

We’re on the hunt for film fans and word lovers to contribute to these hallowed (digital) pages.

It’s a dangerous job (fact checking, research, deadlines ), but there are rewards a-plenty, too.

To apply, send a 150-word review of a recent movie, plus two ideas for future TotalFilm.com features (in the style of others on the website), to totalfilm@futurenet.com with the header ‘Writing for TotalFilm.com’ .

And if you have your own website/blog/YouTube channel, chuck us the links so we can take a gander, too.

Good luck!

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