The Zygons Return For Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

It’s been a wild few days for Doctor Who news. First came word that David Tennant and Billie Piper would be joining Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman in the 50th anniversary special.

Now the BBC has revealed that November’s celebratory 3D adventure will also see the return of one of the show’s most memorable foes – the Zygons!

The shape-shifting invaders made their debut in 1975’s classic tale “Terror Of The Zygons”, tangling with Tom Baker’s Time Lord and revealed as the secret masters of the Loch Ness monster itself. They were referenced in last year’s “The Power Of Three” and have popped up in assorted comic book tales and novels, but have never returned to the screen – until now!

Given that they’re shape-shifters, could they possibly be impersonating a few familiar faces for the 50th..?

“Terror Of The Zygons” is set for release on DVD this September. Coincidence?

Here’s what the Nessie-wrangling bad guys will look like in the anniversary show. What’s your verdict?

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