“Tell me this doesn’t look like a fantasy porno” – The internet goes full internet while reacting to the Witcher Netflix series first look

You’ve probably already seen the first look at Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia (opens in new tab) for The Witcher Netflix series (opens in new tab) and have had some opinions on it. Well, so has the rest of the internet. But, hey, they’re not all cynical and overwhelmingly Negative Nancies. No, some are actually pleased the shot of the cleft-chinned Cavill has stuck remarkably close to its literary roots and… ha, who am I kidding – you’re here for the withering put downs, right?

Pound shop Legolas

Hey, did you know Henry Cavill’s Geralt also looks like a certain Lord of the Rings character? What’s that, you’ve already seen the joke made a billion times on your Twitter timeline? Sorry, can’t hear you. La-la-la-la. Here’s more people dunking on poor old Hank, LOTR-style.

Henry Cavill as Geralt for The Witcher looks like a very strange Legolas cosplay31 October 2018

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Geralt and Legolas #witcher pic.twitter.com/YEAELLze1O31 October 2018

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So I dont really know anything about the witcher but I have a lot of experience in hating Henry cavills face, so hear me when I say the problem here isnt that he looks sooo awful it’s that he looks like fucking beefy legolas and I’ve been making fun of legolas for 15 years now31 October 2018

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It looks like… WHAT?

Bow chicka wow-wow. I’m not sure I want to delve into the search history of some of those reacting but, sure, whatever floats your boat.

Tell me this doesn’t look like it’s a fantasy porno!#witcher pic.twitter.com/kKene8dgPe1 November 2018

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I’m not the biggest fan of The Witcher or anything. But Henry Cavill’s Geralt looks like if Sephiroth and Legolas had a kid, according to @ScrewAttackSam.I’ll call him “Sephilas.” pic.twitter.com/Zm8AGlXCQU31 October 2018

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But what about the books?

Look, it’s true. The gruff Geralt of Witcher 3 was only part of how the character looks. In the books, as people are all too keen to point out, Geralt actually bears a bit of a resemblance to Henry Cavill’s portrayal of the character. But who has time for reading nowadays? I’ve not even re-read this. Don’t tell my editor.

To the people whining. This is based on the Witcher BOOKS, not the video games. This is also a much younger Geralt. Heck, look how he’s evolved over 3 games. pic.twitter.com/rawi0p9Ziq31 October 2018

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Geralt’s pupils are not always “cat”-like. Witcher mutations allow his eyes to dynamically adjust to the environment. 1.) Scars – he never had a scar over his eye in the books. 2.) We’ll get to see how he received some scars in the show i.e. near fatal on his neck from Striga.2/21 November 2018

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A conversation on tumblr:”OMG HENRY LOOKS LIKE SHIT AS GERALT! THATS NOT GERALT! THIS IS GERALT [proceeds to show me a picture of Geralt from Witcher 3]”That is actually how he looks like in the books””I DIDNT READ THE BOOKS! THE BOOKS ARE BORRING”Me: pic.twitter.com/NNtmP7snpz31 October 2018

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Beard to the bone

What is with Henry Cavill and facial hair? If he’s not getting facial fuzz digitally removed in Justice League, he’s got people clamouring for a bit of white stubble in the Witcher Netflix series. The man can’t win. Pro tip, Henry: the party shop does a great stick-on beard for a fiver.

Are you faking kidding me? This is you’re Witcher??? You put a with wig on some random candy guy with stupid smile his face and you expect me to believe that this is Witcher??? Are you blind??? Is he even knows how to act? We’re is the beard??? Shame on you Netflix.1 November 2018

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Look, everyone is complaining about the lack of a beard, but I’m over here thinking he just looks goofy as shit. Myself, I’m not exactly a Witcher fan considering I’ve only played half of the first game, but my god… I just can’t take this seriously. https://t.co/QAuF5nTzcm31 October 2018

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Just remember: It’s a first look

Yep, a classy photo might’ve been better suited to doing the trick, but the production hasn’t even started filming yet! Just hold your Roaches and pass judgment on the final product when it comes out. And ignore the snark above. Especially mine.

@netflix’s The Witcher is getting mixed comments from fans due to the massive hit @witchergame has certainly deserved by creating a whole culture. I’m sure we’re in for a treat and I’m gonna enjoy so much this new adaptation. Can’t wait. #WitcherWord pic.twitter.com/l0vQzXpHqS1 November 2018

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I’m gonna say it, the wig looks good on Cavill, IMHO! @Arminies Can’t wait for the Witcher series, people are bitching and moaning about him being scarless and beardless! Let Geralt develop lmao. Chill.1 November 2018

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Let’s just say witcher is a very dear franchise for some people( Including me). We have spent countless hours behind It So I understand if people get a bit impulsive towards it. I was sceptical of titans but proved wrong later on. So yeah let’s wait it out.1 November 2018

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Header image credit: @LionFace on Twitter  

Will the Witcher series join the pantheon of the best shows on Netflix (opens in new tab)? Here’s hoping!

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