TalkRadar 180 Community Watch

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The Hosts

The Topics

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The top 7… Horrendously buggy games we loved anyway
Games so good we could forgive the technical shittery

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Rayman Origins, Beyond Good %26 Evil and the state of the games industry: An interview with Michel Ancel
Rayman’s creator and lead writer Gabrielle Shrager chat about their creative process, plans for BG%26E II and the importance of fun

In the office

Above: We totally talked to Felicia Day

Above: And we played Yoostar on MTV, recreating our favorite music video moments

Above: Then we played a round of Sesame Street on Kinect because we’re kids at heart

In the community

Above: Sternparez and Joemasturbaby made tributes to our newest team member

Above: And TheMonarch recognized our rocking souls

Post date: October 4, 2011
T-Dar 180 length: 1:42:52

Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
TalkRadar Hotline: 1-877-404-1337 Ext. 327
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