Tag Archives: THQ

Saints Row developer lost money on recent Red Factions

Before Saints Row took off with The Third, Red Faction was one of Volition’s staple franchises. But when the studio was purchased by publisher Deep Silver in THQ’s bankruptcy auction, the rights to Red Faction weren’t part of the deal–just Saints Row. Senior Producer Jim Boone told Polygon that his …

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THQ had every chance to survive Jason Rubin says

The THQ fallout is over: everything that could be auctioned off was, and everything else has either been downsized or left to mire in bankruptcy proceedings. Former president Jason Rubin told MCV that THQ was largely responsible for its own undoing. “I think it is incorrect to attribute THQ’s predicament …

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THQs developers, licenses picked up by multiple buyers

The auction for THQ’s assets concluded today, and most–but not all–of its major studios and properties found new homes. Kotaku has posted a letter from THQ’s executive leadership to employees which outlines the changes, which we’ll summarize here along with purchase prices revealed by court spectator Distressed Debt Investing. Volition …

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Ubisoft consider THQ purchase, reports say

Ubisoft is giving some serious thought to scooping up THQ’s assets, according to reports in industry magazine MCV. Unnamed sources told MCV that Ubisoft has had lengthy discussions with THQ and investment firm Clearlake Capital Capital group about acquiring the company. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot admitted last month that his …

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