Tag Archives: SNES

The Top 7… Best bros in gaming history

We scoured gaming history to find the closest of bros that exemplify the heady high of that intense and awesome brand of friendship. We begin some 25 years ago with… 7. Billy and Jimmy (Double Dragon) The two young men, dressed in the toughest attire of the era, work together …

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GamesRadar UK Podcast 010 – Bum eyes

Welcome to tenth edition of the still-new-and-fresh-smelling GamesRadar UK Podcast! Mixed into the usual talk about games, a further discussion about cheese and a worrying admission that Justin had a nightmare about the Care Bears, you’ll find your favourite regulars, like the Erection Section, the Towell Joke Factory and the …

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Ask GR Anything: Whats a MOBA?

(opens in new tab) Ask GR Anything is a weekly Q%26A column that answers questions submitted by readers (as well as questions we’re particularly curious about ourselves). Got a burning question about games or the industry? Ask us in the comments below and you may just get it answered! Video …

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Box Score: The Podcast 001

We’d like to introduce the newest weapon in the GamesRadar podcast arsenal – Box Score. Hosted by Richard Grisham, Box Score aims to look deep into the sports gaming world by speaking at length to the people who make, impact, and influence the titles we play. (opens in new tab) …

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Ask GR Anything: What are the best-selling games ever?

Ask GR Anything is a weekly Q%26A column that answers questions submitted by readers (as well as questions we’re particularly curious about ourselves). Got a burning question about games or the industry? Ask us in the comments below and you may just get it answered! Figuring out what single video …

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Plus Alpha: Zen and the Art of (Affordable) Gaming

Plus Alpha is a weekly column that explores life in Japan from the perspective of American expatriate and game-industry veteran Jarik Sikat. Having worked in numerous areas of the game industry since 1994, Sikat relocated to Japan in 2010. My journey on the road to enlightenment began on April 1, …

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