Tag Archives: Skyrim

Lost in Skyrim? PC mod gives you full 3D view of the map

The Elder Scrolls games are famous for the hugeness of their maps, and they can be equally confounding as they are impressive. Though the Skyrim has its own way of helping you reach your destination in its world, PC players now have access to a more interesting tool. Just download …

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Scans from Skyrims manual appear online

Here’s a treat for Elder Scrolls fans eager to get straight to the gameplay on launch: an extensive set of glimpses at the Xbox 360 version of the Skyrim’s manual. With the document’s lucky owner knowing that speed is a virtue when leaking material from a game as anticipated as …

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E3 MVG 2011: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim interview

When November 11, 2011 rolls around, I plan to lose no less than 100 hours of sleep to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After seeing Bethesda’s closed-door demonstration of the next chapter in the Elder Scrolls series, GamesRadar caught up with Skyrim’s lead producer Craig Lafferty to talk about dragons, …

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