Tag Archives: Halo 5: Guardians

Halo 5: Guardians beats Bond at the UK box office

One man, set against a shadowy conspiracy, with only his wits, his friends, a cool suit, and the best gadgets governmental slush funds can buy. OK, yes, I could be talking about Iron Man, or Batman, or Robocop, or awful Jackie Chan vehicle ‘The Tuxedo’, but I’m actually using this …

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Halo 5s Spartan Companies are stat-tracking supersoldier clans

Halo 5: Guardians (opens in new tab) will feature clan support for those looking to join a group of like-minded supersoldiers – just don’t call them clans. Spartan Companies, as developer 343 and publisher Microsoft refer to these groups, are already live (opens in new tab), meaning you can start …

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Less Master Chief will make Halo 5 feel smaller. Good.

Thanks to Microsoft’s E3 press conference, I’m officially excited to play Halo 5. It wasn’t the gameplay that did it, though four-player Halo-style combat with characters that aren’t just carbon copies of each other is definitely intriguing. No, it was the fact that, for the first time in years, Master …

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