Tag Archives: Fun Stuff

Top 10 Sci-Fi And Fantasy Redheads

(opens in new tab) You’ve probably noticed that Princess Merida, star of Pixar’s new animated adventure, Brave , has red hair. Lots and lots of red hair. In fact, if you consider that fewer than 4% of the world’s population has ginger hair, we reckon she’s somehow made off with …

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Tweets Of The Week

It’s been a sad week in Twitsville. The outporing of emotion since the death of director Tony Scott ( The Hunger , Déjà vu ) on Sunday has been genuinely moving with seemingly all of Hollywood’s Twitterati coming out to pay their respects. We’re not going to dwell on it …

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20 Things We Love About Babylon 5

Jayne Nelson recalls how ’90s space opera Babylon 5 gripped her and millions of other SF fans. (opens in new tab) It was the space opera to beat all space operas. Often compared to (or pitted against) Deep Space Nine – unfairly, as they were both entirely different beasts – …

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Sci-Fi & Fantasys Greatest Sound FX

This feature was originally published in 2010 Let’s face it: sound effects aren’t sexy. We don’t often watch a TV show and announce afterwards, “I really loved what they did with the birdsong in the background.” Or walk out of the cinema saying, “Hey, weren’t the gunshots realistic?” Sound effects …

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Spurious Awards Of The Week

Burn Gorman Impression Of The Week (opens in new tab) Roman gives Steve Newlin some help with his “Owen From Torchwood ” impression in True Blood . Pissed Teacher Of The Week (opens in new tab) Algebra’s even worse with some werewolf teacher who’s been overdosing on wine gums, as …

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Tweets Of The Week

We can’t help but empathise with Damon Lindelof. He’s an immensely talented writer responsible (in part) for the successes of Lost and JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot. But ever since Lost ’s finale laser-targeted the internet’s self-perpetuating ball of hate directly at him, Lindelof hasn’t had a particularly successful streak. …

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Tweets Of The Week

They’ve been going Twitter-tastic on the set of Doctor Who ’s New York episode (opens in new tab) over the past week. Not only has Arthur Darvill been pegging people left, right and centre*, but Karen Gillan finally took the plunge, embraced the spambots and entered the Twittersphere. This means …

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Tweets Of The Week

A guide to following the right people on Twitter, a Robot Chicken DC funeral and which SF director is addicted to Skyrim? Find out in this week’s tweets Twitter can be a great place to laugh, learn and while away the minutes/hours… but only if you’re following the right people. …

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The Making Of Harry Potter Studio Tour

It was an obvious idea. For eight movies SFX was invited onto the sets of each successive Harry Potter film, and they were always among the most enjoyable set visits we had the pleasure to go on. Because set visits, as exciting as they may sound, can be a bit …

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