Tag Archives: Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard shares details on pet battle system

Blizzcon 2011 has kicked off in Anaheim, California and while the big news this morning was focused on Diablo III, there were no shortage of new announcements for those who are hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft. A new pet battle system was announced, where you can have your WoW …

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Blizzard offers Diablo 3 fans a closer look at Leahs pores

Further fueling the fire for Diablo 3 fandom, Blizzard Entertainment has posted what appears to be some serious screenshots of Leah from the game’s cinematic cutscenes. As the adopted daughter of series scribe Deckard Cain, Leah replaces the wise loremaster as narrator for Diablo 3’s opening cinematic – and will …

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