Stan Lee shares some advice for Batman v. Superman

Stan Lee has been talking about the current comic-book movie landscape, discussing Marvel’s successes so far, confirming his appearance in Avengers: Age Of Ultron and offering a nugget of advice to the Batman v. Superman team.

“All it can do is make it better for Marvel if we do these movies and the movies are successful,” says Lee. “There are people reading Marvel comic-books that would have never thought to read a comic book before.”

“It helps the comic-book business. The movie business has been unbelievably incredible. The Marvel movies are about the biggest money-making movies of all.”

“We’ve got the best directors, the best special effects people and wonderful actors. People that had not been big stars before, like the fellow who plays Thor (Chris Hemsworth) – he’s wonderful! I was with him yesterday – I did my cameo of course…”

And as for rival stable, DC, Lee has a few words of advice on how they can guarantee Batman v. Superrman is a hit…

“DC could probably make a lot more money with Superman and Batman if they announced that I’d have a cameo in it,” chuckles Lee. “People wouldn’t believe it – they’d have to go to the theatre to see it!”

Avengers: Age Of Ultron will open in the UK on 24 April 2015 before Batman v. Superman arrives on 29 April 2016.

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