Sherlock Christmas special will be set in Victorian England

Steven Moffat has spilled a couple of details regarding the forthcoming Sherlock Christmas special, confirming that it will be set in Victorian England.

With the rest of the series so far having been set against a present day backdrop, the new setting will be a major change of pace, with the special set to exist in its own world, entirely independent of the rest of the show.

“The special is its own thing,” confirms Moffat to Entertainment Weekly (opens in new tab). “We wanted to do this, but it had to be a special, it had to be separate entity on its own. It’s kind of in its own little bubble.”

He went on to confirm that the fourth season of the series proper would revert back to its normal setting, with filming following straight on from completion of the 90-minute special.

No release date has been confirmed for either the special or the new series, but we’d imagine the BBC will position the former at the heart of its Christmas scheduling, with the new series likely to follow in January.

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