“More penises than Game of Thrones” – American Gods gay genie sex scene is getting a lot of love

It’s not even been 24 hours and already people are applauding the gay sex scene in the latest episode of American Gods. By now you’ll be familiar with the massive freak-out (opens in new tab) about Bilquis’ sex scene in the first episode, but the show runners are definitely not done with the bedroom shenanigans. 

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American Gods S1.02 review: “A phenomenally clever bit of writing” (opens in new tab)

The TV adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s fantasy tale of the war between the old and new gods is getting a ton of praise on Twitter. That’s not just because of the distinct amount of skin on display, though – its depiction of tender, loving sex between a businessman from Oman and a Djinn (a supernatural entity famous for granting wishes) has hauled in a ton of rainbow flags and clap emojis. That means people like it. A lot. But it wasn’t always as yass-worthy – upon reading the first draft of the scene, the showrunner Brian Fuller bluntly said (opens in new tab) that unless the scene’s top (who’s a flame-eyed Djinn, by the way) “has a 12-inch, candy-cane cock and can fuck around corners, his dick’s not getting in him. So you guys need to go back and figure out where holes are”. Dang. 

Fuller’s blunt requirements obviously hit the mark, as the good people of Twitter have demonstrated…

Powerful scene. Passion, desire, lust and hopefulness. Need to see more of Jinn and Salim. #SINN #AmericanGodsMay 15, 2017

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this scene was so beautiful in the book and even better onscreen goddamn #AmericanGods #gawds pic.twitter.com/qo4qRBdyzHMay 15, 2017

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Getting ready to see @MousaKraish and @AbtahiOmid kill it in Episode 3 of #AmericanGods #Gawds pic.twitter.com/BiyPXvkrOnMay 15, 2017

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Say what u will about Prestige TV, but at least tonight’s featured more penises than entire seasons of Game of ThronesMay 15, 2017

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My natural reaction to any gay scene #AmericanGods pic.twitter.com/IF3OdJCxegMay 8, 2017

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I’m so glad #AmericanGods knows how to create a great gay sex scene and doesn’t shy away from penis. #GameOfThrones take notesMay 15, 2017

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Thank you #AmericanGods for showing an amazing sensual gay sex scene & also not hiding genitalia. ❤️May 15, 2017

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