Morbius to appear in The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 may well have cast itself another villain, with actor Asim Ahmad claiming to have been cast as one Michael Morbius.

Fans of the comic-books will know that Morbius is a Nobel prize-winning biochemist who drastically alters his physical makeup when attempting to treat himself for a rare blood condition.

Employing electro-shock therapy and, er, vampire bats, his experiment all goes a bit wrong, and Morbius is transformed into a vampire-like creature himself. Textbook stuff.

“Morbius is only mentioned in two pages, not a big part,” tweeted Ahmad, suggesting that the casting is either a brief nod to the fans or a brief set-up for a later appearance. Given the relative anonymity of the actor, we’d suggest it’s probably the former.

Still, it’s a nice comic-book reference to get those geek senses tingling. Directed by Marc Webb and co-starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will open in the UK on 18 April 2014.

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