Fox is moving forwards with the sequel to surprise box office success Kingsman: The Secret Service, with the studio pencilling in a start date of April 2016. However, there may yet be a stumbling block in front of that plan, with star Taron Egerton’s schedule looking increasingly busy…
Egerton recently landed the lead role in Lionsgate’s Robin Hood: Origins, which is set to begin production next February. And while Fox has Egerton committed to a sequel option, the fact that Kingsman 2 doesn’t yet have a finished script means it could struggle to tie down its star before Robin Hood kicks off.
That said, THR (opens in new tab) reports that Fox insiders are confident “things will be worked out”, with the studio also working overtime to produce a schedule that works for screenwriter Matthew Vaughn. Vaughn directed the first film, but at this stage it is unclear whether he’ll be stepping behind the camera for a second time. Given that he’s never directed a sequel in his career so far, despite having been involved in a string of successful franchises… don’t holding your breath…