Kingdoms of Amalur demo launches today with Mass Effect 3 extras

The Kingdoms of Amalur demo is out today, which means it’s your chance to unlock extra items for Mass Effect 3. Today’s cross promotion grants Todd McFarlane-Designed Mass Effect 3 items with today’s Amular demo, with the upcoming ME3 demo unlocking extras for Amalur.

Of course, all those perks will enhance the gameplay experience of future-you, but there’s no reason that jackass should have all the fun. The demo also gives right-now-you the opportunity to play Kingdoms of Amalur’s initial stages. That’ll let you preview the intro, get your head around the tutorial bits, and explore the game’s opening region for 45 minutes before being tapped on the shoulder and politely offered the chance to buy the proper game when it releases on Feb 7. Check our previews for impressions of the game’s further content.

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