James Spader talks Ultron

James Spader might have seemed a leftfield choice to play villainous robot Ultron in the forthcoming sequel to The Avengers , but it sounds as though the star can’t wait to immerse himself in the Marvel universe.

“I think it’ll be a lot of fun and it’s incredibly nostalgic for me,” said Spader in an interview with The Independent (opens in new tab) . “When I was a kid my best friend had trunks of comics and I didn’t have any so I used to love going for sleepovers at his house.

“Also, I have three sons,” continues the star, “and two of them have a great interest in comics so they’re excited I’m playing the role.”

Meanwhile, Spader has also been talking to Inquirer (opens in new tab) about just how he will be bringing the character to life, suggesting that he will be doing more than simply voicing the part…

“I have spoken to Joss Whedon about it,” says Spader, “and just this weekend I went in for them to take very extensive photographs, head scans, body scans, and all kinds of things in preparation for figuring out how the hell I’m gonna fit in this Ultron character!”

Directed by Whedon, Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron will open in the UK on 1 May 2015.

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