It Came! #2 Comic Preview

Wednesday see the publication of second issue of Dan Boultwood’s excellent It Came! (which we glowingly reviewed here), from Titan Comics.

A blast for fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and classic low-budget science fiction, this gorgeous, affectionate pastiche will keep you guessing – and laughing – throughout!

The alien robot known as GRURK has been temporarily waylaid by industrial quantities of bunting, but its inexorable march towards London cannot be stopped! In the village of Trumpington Abbey, space scientist Dr Boy Brett and his lady-assistant Doris Night (a lady) welcome the arrival of the British Army – but do the soldiers herald a heightened level of competence… or a right royal Carry On? And what part does a field-full of mouldy turnips have to play in the enfolding cosmic drama?!

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