“Incredibly distasteful” – The most brutal reactions to the Slender Man movie trailer

No, you haven’t travelled back in time. The Slender Man movie is actually a thing in 2018. The trailer is out now and, as you’d expect, the internet has been abuzz about the hottest meme of *Googles* 2010. Uhh, well, Hollywood may not be striking while the iron is hot but, hey, at least it’s got people talking, right? *Googles again* Oh. Oh dear.

A real-life tragedy

For those unaware, two girls repeatedly stabbed another child in Wisconsin (opens in new tab), saying they were forced to do so by Slender Man. Probably not the best idea to centre a trailer around several young girls then, really. No one is exactly pleased with that decision…

The #SlenderMan #SlenderManMovie trailer…1. Trailer makes the movie look terrible.2. It’s incredibly distasteful for @Sony to make a movie featuring Slenderman & stabbings when 2 girls in real life just were sentenced for stabbing a peer because they believed in Slenderman.4 January 2018

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Wow completely disrespectful to the young woman who was almost STABBED TO DEATH by two of her so called friends who were obsessed with The Slender Man. Money over everything I guess.3 January 2018

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So Sony pictures are trash and this is why I know the Slenderman movie will be trash, they’re literally clinging onto anything they can to make money out of their studios4 January 2018

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Years too late

Away from that, there’s also the issue of Slender Man pre-dating the tragedy entirely and, frankly, being a bit old hat (and suit and tie). Memes are confined to a time and place, people. First The Emoji Movie (opens in new tab), then Slender Man. What’s next for 2019, a Dolan Duck musical?

They’re making a Slender Man movie? Whoa! Hope it has some awesome current memes, like doge and trollface in it!!3 January 2018

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This upcoming Slender Man movie is about 6 years too late lol3 January 2018

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Imagine still finding Slenderman scary in 2018 and making a film about it.3 January 2018

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Hell yeah this is going to be the movie of 2011.3 January 2018

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They’re making a Slender Man movie…Why now and not 4 years ago when it was the most relevant?You can’t even capitalize on trending things Hollywood no wonder you’re a trashfire.3 January 2018

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Chances of this being good? Slim to none

The trailer itself is a bit, how do I put it, generic. There are stock images a-plenty and it’s giving off a serious school project vibe, which a lot of people have picked up on. Hey, at least it doesn’t ruin the entire plot of the movie like seemingly every other trailer.

I just watched the Slender Man trailer and had to double check it wasn’t some fake trailer by a media student. Sadly, it was not.3 January 2018

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Slender Man looks like one of those movies you’d find in the Walmart bargain bin that was created entirely out of stock footage3 January 2018

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This movie looks like a students’ project in where the main theme is using color correction.3 January 2018

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Whoa, turns out the Slender Man movie is just going to a movie theater and picking up 8 pieces of paper. when combined, it says “You wasted your money, sucker. Ha. Ha. Ha.”3 January 2018

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But some people are hoping for the best…

There are eternal optimists, and then are those who think Slender Man could be a bit. You brave, brave souls. If nothing else, it could be a decent ironic watch. Think The Room with fewer spoons and more eyeball mutilations.

Just saw the trailer for the film, Slenderman… ITS ABOUT TIME THIS MOVIE GOT MADE! I just hope it uses Noface sparingly, and that it doesn’t just use unintentional jumpscares. #CanYouSeeHim #SlenderMan #SlenderMan4 January 2018

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So there’s a chance that the Slender Man movie could be the best video game adaptation into a movie? What do you think? #CanYouSeeHimhttps://t.co/L261LQijoX4 January 2018

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Wooooooah new @SlenderManMovie trailer is giving me old school “The Ring” vibes, and I’m so here for it3 January 2018

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#SlenderMan looks fucking intense as fuck….4 January 2018

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